Our Vision

Our Values

Customers - We put our customers at the centre of everything, all our other values ensure the customer receives the highest quality products and services for a team of passionate people who love what we do – saving money for our customers.



Delivery – one of our main selling points. We are not a consultancy in the traditional sense, not only do our customers ask us to advise but also to deliver on our advice, that way the link between the theory and the practicality of delivery is ensured. Our team have years of experience behind them and know the best and most expedient ways to obtain the optimum deals for our customers.



Pride & Passion - we want our people to enjoy what they do and firmly believe this comes from a passion in delivery and a pride in our individual and team successes. When we enjoy our work, we all get the best outcome for CoCo and our Customers! We respect the fact that we are all different and each individual makes a uniquely valuable contribution to the team. At Coco we celebrate the diversity of our experience, we have complete trust in one another to deliver excellence every day.



Integrity – we don’t BS! You will always get an honest view from anyone you talk to at CoCo, if we think you have got the best deal possible we will tell you! 



Quality we strive to deliver the best services and outcomes for our customers, we don’t think OK is good enough



Agility we always need to be flexible and adaptable, ready to quickly change our approach, delivery model, services and even contract if necessary.  We can rapidly react to our customers new or changing requirements, external factors and market changes, and even global pandemics, overnight we moved our entire delivery model to remote working with zero impact.



CoCo's Vision & Values


To be the first choice supplier for cost and contract optimisation services globally.

CoCo SA Alto Logo

CoCo Global SA PTY Ltd

Silvermine House

Steenberg Office Park

TokaiCape Town

Western Cape


Registered No. 2023/728685/07

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